The Great Divide

fault line 2

Lately our country has been more divided than ever. It seems like we’re shouting at each other, and no one is listening.

I think I may know one of the reasons why.

It was brought home to me dramatically when I ventured into a political post on Facebook. A lot of people were bemoaning the views of some female politicians, which is of course okay to do. I myself found their ideas alarming.

However, I was also alarmed by the nastiness of some comments aimed directly at the women themselves. One was called a whore, among other vile terms. Someone even posted a cartoon caricature of her face.

This was in a Catholic Facebook group.

I called for charity and an end to the ad hominen attacks. I didn’t call for an end to the conversation. After all, we should be able to have a dialogue in a civilized manner.

So, of course, then I was attacked.

One poster reacted to my plea by writing “nausea,” whatever that means. Another mentioned that Jesus had called the Pharisees a few names.

Um . . . exactly how is all this negativity supposed to help? How is it supposed to convince people that the views of another are wrong if the best argument you can come up with is slander? Would someone reading those posts think Yep, I sure can tell they are Christians by their love?

And isn’t a person under attack more likely to dig in her heels even further?

Shouldn’t we be posting out of love? Can’t we respectfully disagree? As St. Paul begs us in the letter to the Ephesians, “. . . lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love.” (4:1-2) And, as our Lord and Savior Jesus tells us, “Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you.” (Matthew 5:44)

Isn’t that what we’re supposed to be doing?

Hey, aren’t we supposed to be the good guys?

About ajavilanovels

I am the author of four Christian novels: Rain from Heaven, Amaranth, Nearer the Dawn and Cherish.
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